The code is Pink, looking Into hidden places Thinking pink by Rozita S Fogelman
Pink is a provocative color. In Western society, the color pink is associated with the female gender. Throughout human evolution, our challenge to identify for the sake of classification grew out of idealistic simplification into categorization. Humans are the only species that mark their newborns by their genital identification with two distinctive hues; pink for girls and blue for boys. It is not just a fashion; it is the silent voice of a dress code passed on from mothers to daughters. However, when examining the human body closely, regardless of gender or race, our inside-body consists of millions hues of pink. Pink marks the opening of the most sensitive places in our body. We are all pink from inside out. Pink is the universal color of a hidden life. As little girls we dressed into pink, and as mature mothers, we dress our daughters by the same dress code. As an artist, and woman, I too out grew of pink, and since my early twenties, the color pink was for years almost completely eliminated from my palettes. “Looking Into Hidden Places” was an experimental project, which concentrated on rediscovering this disregarded and long forgotten hue. Coming back into my 'Pink period' marked a great transformational point in my life. Rediscovering the very basic of my working surface, rediscovering the basic hues of my inside-out body space led me to a greater healing process. Surrounding myself and rediscovering the power of this magnificent hue became a deep transformational journey of my life that reconnected my feminine power with the forgotten universal power of a hidden life. |